Leaving from Belfast's 'George Best' airport...

Arrived at Liverpool's 'John Lennon' airport...

So much culture and positive vibe here, I like Liverpool city...

After a long drive across England, into Wales, I arrived at the port, to catch the ferry home to Ireland, but what did I bring back? You'll find out soon enough...
Actually, what I brought back is something I have been working towards for years now. But I want it to be 100% complete before I reveal it here. Some people already know, but those are the closest people to me! It has been VERY busy times, some good, some bad, some frustrating, very stressful and annoying, but its almost done! I have been waiting a while to post this blog to thank those who have helped make things possible throughout this year, and especially the last few months (you know who you all are).
So now that I have got over the most difficult time (I hope) of 2007, I can actually do some relaxing and thinking, and have been reflecting on alot of things over the last few days. I think I'm a very lucky guy, though maybe I dont feel it or maybe realise it at times, it just takes a little moment, to reflect and appreciate those things that are most important in life! I think every now and then we should do that, even for 1 minute, alone...reflect! It also makes me think how we never really know how the crazy road of life will go! Up, down, left,right, stop, slow, fast, crossroads etc...its constantly changing, and of course there's always a few speed bumps or potholes in there to stir things up a bit, but the moral of the story is to work towards making things better, slowly, but never forget to be happy for what you have got. This path in life has worked out this way for a reason! Every now and then in this journey on the road of life you find a treasure, even when you're not looking for a treasure! So hang onto it, or him, or her, and appreciate how special they really are! Goodnight!
in the 3rd photo, is the the dash of your new yoke
could be dude could be...
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